On Friday 23 April 2021, starting at 2.30 P.M., the Conference of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module dedicated to (Cyber) Control of Migratory Flows, Fight Against Transnational Crime and Protection of Vulnerable People took place on the “Microsoft Teams” platform. The Conference started with an introduction by Profs. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia ((Cyber) Control of Illegal Migratory Flows, h. 3:00), which was followed by two other sessions. Session I (“Fight Against Transnational Crime”, h. 3:30 P.M.), hosted the lectures by Prof. Leonardo Borlini (Regulating Criminal Finance in the EU in the Light of the International Instruments), Prof. Ivana Bodrožić (Serbian Criminal Law Response on Terrorism in the EU Integration Context), Prof. Ersi Bozheku (Serious Crime, Corruption and Judiciary in Albania: What Implications and Solutions at National and European Level?) and Prof. Elena Maksimova (Human Trafficking: Online Recruitment – A Serious Risk to Migrants’ Cyber ​​Security in Republic of North Macedonia). Session II (“Protection of Vulnerable People”, h. 5:00) was animated by the speeches of Judge Giovan Francesco Fiore (Unaccompanied Foreign Minors in Italian and International Law System), by Prof. Rosanna Palladino (Family Reunification and Minors), by Dr. Amarila Lici (Unaccompanied Minors as Victims of Trafficking and Exploitation and Protection Means), by Dr. Claudia Pecoraro (Trafficking in Women Between Emergence and Social Inclusion) and Dr. Florinda Mirabile (Disadvantaged Children on the Balkan Route). Two Q&A sessions created an open debate after the respective sessions.