Rules for submission and peer review


Submission and publication

Everybody interested is invited to submit a paper in one of the following categories:

1) Essay: may discuss a broader theme; requires adequate references and footnotes; needs to be supported with an in-depth study of legal acts, literature and case-law; peer reviewed.
2) Comment: dwells on a more limited topic; requires adequate references and footnotes; needs to be supported with an in-depth study of legal acts, literature and case-law; peer reviewed.
3) Focus:  reserved for professionals; provides a technical perspective on a certain matter; no footnotes or references required; not peer reviewed
4) Conference speech: reproduces and expands a speech/presentation already held in a scientific event; no footnotes or references required; needs to be supported with an in-depth study of legal acts, literature and case-law; peer reviewed.

Any submission should be sent in a .docx or .doc (Microsoft Word) format to in compliance with the following deadlines:

15 December for the first annual issue (publication slated for 31 January of the subsequent year);
15 June for the second annual issue (publication slated for 31 July of the same year).

Each contribution submitted for publication to the Journal must provide:

– the author’s contact details, professional qualifications, and affiliation(s);
– an abstract in English, or both in the original language and in English of about 10 lines, including at least a translation of the title;
– a category (see above) of choice where her/his/their paper would fall into;
5 (five) keywords in English, or both in the original language and in English.

The Editors of the journal do reserve the right to request a reclassification of the category of the contribution submitted by the author.

No publication or processing fees will be charged, as such, the authors are not entitled to exercise any copyright (e.g. right to copy, sell, re-publish the work) or other economic right, while they maintain their author’s moral rights (e.g. the right of attribution, the right to the integrity of the work). The authors are also asked to sign a consent form on the release of their work.


Peer review

After submission (i.e., 15 December for the winter issue, 15 June for the summer issue), the article will be preliminarly evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, in order to verify: the connection of the topic to the subjects of the journal; the possible presence of gross deficiencies from a scientific point of view; the correspondence of the text with the Journal’s editorial criteria.
In the event of a positive outcome of the preliminary examination, the article will be subjected to an anonymous review by two members of the Reviewing Committee (double-blind peer review) within 30 days. In performing their task, reviewers are asked to fill in a form (available HERE).

The outcome of the review will determine whether the article is:
a) not publishable;
b) publishable with substantial changes;
c) publishable with changes;
d) publishable.

Every subject involved in the peer review process is bound by the rules on the conflict of interest, non-disclosure and anti-plagiarism as established in the Ethical Code of the journal.

The works of Emeritus Professors and retired Full Professors, Judges of international jurisdictions and ambassadors are not subjected to peer-review.
The Journal may also include sections devoted to conference papers and/or focuses that aim to provide quick and concise information on topical issues. Speeches and focuses are also non-peer-reviewed and do not require footnotes; however, the author may insert them and hyperlinks.