It was a wonderful experience!
EUWEB, especially in the person of its leader, Prof. Teresa Russo, wishes to deeply thank our Partner Institutions, Albanian University and EPOKA University for their warm welcome and hospitality in Tirana! In fact, the Module took part in a series of events in the Albanian Capital on 14-15 June, with a focus on the showcase of the results of three years of work, as well as on planning the future along with our Partners from the Western Balkans.
During its staying, the Module’s Staff really felt like home, being guest on 14 June of the Albanian University of Tirana, which convened the Workshop ‘EU-Western Balkans Cooperations – Thinking of New Possibilities for Development’ revolving on the presentation of the outcomes/outputs and on what the future holds for EUWEB.
The day after, on 15 June, EPOKA University hosted the International Conference ‘Key Elements for the Future of EUWEB Observatory’s Research’, divided into an enlightening Roundtable – meant as a think-tank for our future activities – and in the subsequent Open Forum, where the presentations of the speakers were spaced out with a remarkable open debate.
In conclusion, many thanks go – from the bottom of our heart – to everyone who made all of this possible! Thank you, Tirana!