On May 29, 2020, EUWEB Leader and Key Staff Members, Proff. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia, discussed “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, Ne Bis in Idem Principle and Strengthening of Procedural Rights in the EU” with distinguished speakers and experts in the field.


Gaspare Dalia chaired the work that began with the introduction of Teresa Russo on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in the European Union. Then, Anna Oriolo addressed the issue of the ne bis in idem principle in the application of international and national courts, while Monica Amirante, President of the Surveillance Court of Salerno analyzed the ne bis in idem principle in the Italian legal order and its external projections.


Finally, Dr. Alberto Pioletti, Deputy Prosecutor at the Court of Rome dealt with the principle of mutual recognition between legislative provision and practical application, while Armando Macrillò, Lawyer and Professor of Criminal Execution Law at the Faculty of Law of the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome focused on the legal instruments of the European Union in the execution of foreign judgments with specific reference to the European Arrest Warrant.


The final debate between the speakers and the participants highlighted the critical issues related to the principle of legal certainty.


For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.